A Bridge to Peace at Brooklyn’s Middle School for Art and Philosophy

This project received generous support from NYC Department of Cultural Affairs.

The final mural on the back walls of Middle School for Art and Philosophy’s auditorium. Students collaborated with the artist to design and paint the school’s acronym (MSAP) and its mission acronym—Symbols of Optimism Accountability and Resilience (SOAR).

Led by artist Robin Alcantara, the mural titled A Bridge to Peace, was painted on the school’s auditorium wall, displaying the students’ visions and goals for peace. Students had the opportunity of a hands-on experience creating an artwork based on care and duty for their school, as well as their aspirations for the future.

Above from left: CITYarts Executive and Creative Director Tsipi Ben-Haim, art collector and 2022 CITYarts Honoree Bernard Lumpkin, and Lead Artist Robin Alcantara.